tirsdag den 28. februar 2012

Baking | Chocolate cupcakes

The other night I was craving chocolate, but we didn't have any. Instead, I baked the easiest and tastiest cupcakes. 

100 g flour
25 g cocoa powder
150 g sugar
1½ tsp baking powder
50 g soft salted butter
125 ml milk
1 egg

Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add the butter and stir it until it looks like grated cheese. Add half the milk and mix until smooth. Whisk together the rest of the milk with the egg and add to the batter. Mix well. 

Bake at 175 C for 20-25 minutes. 

250 g icing sugar
25 g cocoa powder
75 g butter
2 Tsp milk

/Lea Binta

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søndag den 26. februar 2012

This is my life | Hamster babies!

My brother keeps hamsters to feed his snakes, and 2 of them had babies. They are the most adorable little creatures!

And yes, that is poop in my hand! It pooped no less than 8 times during the 3 minutes I held him. Crazy shit. Literally.

Too bad they're likely to be eaten when they grow up. But then again, they do poop an awful lot. Yuck.

/Lea Binta

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mandag den 20. februar 2012

Baking | Doughnuts

Now, I realize there have been a lot of posts about cake recently, but let me just clarify this: cake is very important part of my life. I love cake. I would eat cake all day, every day, if I could. But I wont, since I can't afford to buy new and bigger clothes all the time. Still, I eat cake regularly. Like, several times a week. And no, I wont stop. 

My brother celebrated his birthday saturday, and since he's a huge Simpsons fan we attempted to make some doughnuts. Ovenbaked. I think that was a mistake.

Some of them were quite pathetic. Another mistake.

Didn't have a cutter in the right size, so used my dad's glass - a pint is about the right size.

At this point I'm very excited and has no idea what is lying ahead of me.

Action-packed picture!

So, after decorating them they looked quite nice, but they didn't really rise in the oven at all, which is quite essential.

So yeah, nice looking, but tasted like biscuits. Next time there'll definately be some hot oil involved.

Have you made doughnuts before? And how did they turn out?

/Lea Binta

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søndag den 19. februar 2012

DIY | Frosted vases

Here's an easy DIY for some frosted vases. You can use any kind of glass vase - I used old milk bottles from my local thrift shop.

First off I bound them with some yarn, so they would have a random pattern when they were done.

The frosting spray I used was something I picked up at my local hobby store. 

I sprayed them once. (Use a very well ventilated room, if you can't go outside - it stinks!)


And one final time. I let them dry 3-5 minutes between each layer, and didn't make the layers too thick.

Remove the yarn, et voilá: 

Then I made some quick and easy pompoms.

I added some wire to the pompoms, and they were ready to go in the vases instead of flowers. 

A nice, easy, and quick DIY gift for someone (or for yourself). 

/Lea Binta

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fredag den 17. februar 2012

This is my life | Sun

Sometimes a few sunrays are all you need to make it all better. 

/Lea Binta

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torsdag den 16. februar 2012

Travelling | Guatemala - final thoughts

As much as I want to, I find it quite hard to describe our trip to Guatemala. We were there for almost 3 weeks, but we experienced enough for a couple of months. It was an experience unlike any other.

Since Nigeria is the place I know best, apart from Denmark, I always compare other places to Nigeria. When we went to the states I recognized a few traits from Nigeria, and some traits from Denmark. I was really excited to go to Guatemala, since I've had no experiences from that area. 

There were similarities to Nigeria, but there were several things that were completely new to me. It was such a joy to experience yet another culture. 

It's funny how such a relatively short trip can affect you. I don't speak spanish very well, but now, everytime I hear spanish on tv, I feel sort of at home. I remember the trip, remember the noises, the people, the food, the images. Spanish now makes me feel at home. Funny thing.

 Travelling is really important to me, and it's one of the things I cherish most in this world. I'll never tire of it, and I'll always have a hunger to go new places, meet new people, see new cultures. 

It's a blessing and a curse. 

/Lea Binta

onsdag den 15. februar 2012

Tea | Meet my new friend

Alright, so I know I haven't been drinking tea for long, but I've already found myself a couple of favorites. Liquorice tea was my earliest favorite, but now I've found one to match it- Sweet Chili tea. Although I wish it had a more prominent chili taste, I love how intricate the taste is. So many spices, and even a hint of liquorice.

What's your favorite tea?

/Lea Binta

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tirsdag den 14. februar 2012

Valentine's Day | Cake

I'm a dane, and since Valentine's Day is an American tradition, it's not something me and hubby celebrate, BUT just because we don't buy chocolate, roses and gifts for each other today doesn't mean we can't enjoy each other a bit and munch on some delicious cake.

Happy Valentine's Day!

/Lea Binta

mandag den 13. februar 2012

Friends | Chocolate scones

Some friendships are based on memories, some on seeing each other regularly. But then there are friendships that, no matter how often you see each other, or don't see each other, are just there. Those are my most cherished friendships.

I was with such a friend today. Even though it's been more than 6 months since the last time we hung out, it felt like it was just last week. 

And a little baking never hurt anyone. 

Which friendships do you cherish the most?

/Lea Binta
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Travelling | Guatemala - Caves, Flores + Christmas

So, not too many pictures left from Guatemala now. 
We went to see some really impressive caves - not just regular caves, but HUGE caves!

Then we went on to the charming little island Flores.

I would live here if I could! 

And, of course we celebrated christmas while we were there. I love nontraditional christmas tress!

This makes our tiny nativity set fade away! I'm loving this - maybe I'll attempt one like this for Christmas this year.

/Lea Binta