I've been talking about getting my hair cut for a long time now,
and it finally happened a couple of days ago.

Right after getting my hair cut. Woohooo!
I love getting my hair cut, but I always dread washing it for
the first time after the haircut.
Am I going to be able to style it like my hairdresser did?
Is it going to take hours for me to make it look like she did?
Luckily, it didn't take hours, but it does require a slightly
better styling iron than the one I have.
(My hubby already said I could go ahead and order a new one. Yay!)
First off, I just added a bunch of volume to my hair.

Then I thought to myself - what's missing?
A shirt and make-up.

I went for a slightly messier look, which, I think, suits me better.
I'll try the slightly more glamorous look from my hairdresser
when I get that new styling iron.
Random side note:
My dog head buttet me today, resulting in a sore lip, and a red spot
right in the middle of my bottom lip.
I guess I'll have to cover it up with some lip gloss or something.

/Lea Binta
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