onsdag den 26. september 2012

Love | Marriage Myths

1½ years ago I married this guy:

We do love each other, but some days we don't like each other too much. 

Some days we even raise our voices and yell a little bit at each other.

But honestly, we love being married.

Someone asked me recently if the myth was true - 
that your relationship dies when you get married.

I get asked that a lot, especially from young people.
They don't understand why I wanted to get married so young.
I think it's because they're afraid the negative marriage myths are true.

I guess it's true in some cases. 
Sometimes the relationship dies, mostly after you've gotten married.
But wouldn't it have died even if you hadn't gotten married?
I believe it would have. 

Getting married doesn't mean the love will never die.
It doesn't necessarily mean you'll get to spend the rest of your life
with that one person.
It just means you've made a promise to fight for it,
instead of just give up and let the love die.

I will tell you this - our relationship has only improved 
after we've gotten married.

One of the secrets to having a great marriage/relationship
is to never take the other person and their love for granted. 
Don't assume the other person will love you no matter what -
make sure you give the person a reason to love you,
and let them know that you love them.

Make sure to have fun together, laugh together, 
and make up bad jokes together.

Let the other person know that you're proud to be with them.
And then tell other people that in front of them.

Don't forget the random acts of kindness.
Open the door, do the remaining dishes, 
buy his/her favorite food, send cute little texts during the day, 
walk the dog even though it's not your turn. 

A marriage is really no different from a relationship,
except that you've made a promise to choose love over hate,
over bad hair days, over stupid fights, 
over eating the last piece of chocolate.
Marriage is actively choosing love every single day.

And let me tell you this - 
it's totally worth it.

- Lea Binta

mandag den 24. september 2012

Sunday Snapshots | A picture (or more) an hour

9:00 am

10:00 am

11:00 am

12:00 am

1:00 pm

2:00 pm

3:00 pm

 4:00 pm

5:00 pm 

6:00 pm

7:00 pm

8:00 am

9:00 pm 

10:00 pm

11:00 pm

How was your sunday?

- Lea Binta

tirsdag den 18. september 2012

Just a thought | Tuesday

I had yesterday off,
but somehow I'm already behind. 
I'm dead tired, 
and I haven't finished reading for tomorrow.
And it's only tuesday.
This week is going to be killer.

- Lea Binta

onsdag den 12. september 2012

Realization | University

So, I had all these great blogposts planned for this week and last week,
but somehow they didn't magically jump from my brains to my computer.
Strange, huh?

Things have been a little quiet on the blog, because, well,
life hasn't.
It kinda got in the way of the blogposts.
My parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary (crazy!),
and I started classes at uni. 

I'm still trying to figure out what books I'm missing, because yes,
I'm still missing a few. 

My sweet husband let me do some "back-to-school-shopping" a week ago,
not for clothes, but for a new school bag. 
The thing is, I hate backpacks. I really do.
I hate carrying them around.
I look so stupid. 
And young.
But, let's face it, backpacks are the most practical bags
for hauling around books and a laptop. 
So I got a backpack.
But I got a really great looking one,
to stop me from looking stupid.
I think it works.

Whaddya say - isn't it a beauty?
I actually enjoy carrying it around. 

And that's all for now.
I'll return with interesting posts later.

/Lea Binta

onsdag den 5. september 2012

Just a Thought | It's Christmas time again.. wait, what?

The last couple of days I've had this tingling sensation
in my tummy,
the way I feel right before Christmas.
It's felt like December is just around the corner, 
and that I should already Christmas shopping,
decorating and baking. 

I know we still have a couple of months to go,
but I think it's because the weather has turned colder, 
and the nights have turned darker.

I'm ready for candle light, hot cocoa,
bundling up on the couch with socks,
scarves and a big sweater.
Like this one from monki right here:

Someone has been prepping the street signs around my neighborhoood,
making sure they aren't cold this winter.

Any yarn-bombing near your place?

- Lea Binta

søndag den 2. september 2012

Snapshots | Weekend

This weekend has been packed full of stuff!
Full of good, good stuff,
including meeting fellow students at my new uni,
partying with said students, and finally
attending a wedding and a 30th german themed birthday party.

This is what my weekend has looked like through twitter and instagram: 

Thursday, 10:32 pm
"Don't know if I'm loving or dreading the thought of 
starting studies at a new uni tomorrow. 
So many new people in one place. Stressful."

Friday, 8:02 am
"Off to meet the people I'll be spending the next 3 years with.
 At least breakfast is free."

Friday, 8:36 am
"I have never seen so many students in one place.
 = no more coffee cups. Not okay."

Friday, 9:01 am
"Free breakfast - nice going uni"

Friday, 10:17 am
"Moving 4000 students through the city is no small task."

Friday, 3:41 pm
"I see a nap in my near future."

Friday, 7:43 pm
"A nap and dinner later, bring on the party!"

Friday, 11:31 pm
"Yes, the drink is, in fact, on fire."

Saturday, 10:09 am
"My voice is missing - anyone see it?"

Saturday, 12:59 am
"Hubs drank my coke. I could cry, 
but I'm saving the tears for later."

Saturday, 2:14 pm
"I always cry at weddings."

Saturday, 5:51 pm
"Octoberfest in september."

This morning we dragged ourselves out of bed to attend 
a baptism at church,
and then lunch with the lovely people at church.

Right now I have a couple of hours to relax, 
drink some coffee,
and finish my speech for the teenage service tonight.

Tomorrow I'll attend my first lessons at uni.
It'll probably require some coffee.

How was your weekend?

- Lea Binta

Follow me on twitter here
instagram: leabinta